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篇名 台灣會展產業發展趨勢之研究
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 Development Trends of the MICE Industry in Taiwan
作者 林秋蘭魏士琦
頁次 209-223
關鍵字 會展產業SWOT 分析MICE IndustrySWOT
出刊日期 201003


會展(MICE-Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions)產業是21世紀全球化風潮 下最具潛力的新興產業,伴隨商務交流的頻繁、知識經濟的發展和觀光旅遊的普及,會展 產業已受到世界各國的重視,各國均積極推動會展產業來帶動國家觀光發展並建立城市新 形象魅力。因此,會展產業被公認為一衡量都市經濟與國際化的重要指標。亞太地區經濟 快速發展,尤其是世界工廠中國大陸的崛起,促使亞洲成為全球會展產業成長最快速的地 區,而台灣地處亞太地區的中心樞紐,以及國內雄厚的產業基礎的優勢下,要如何成為亞 太地區的會展產業之龍頭也備受矚目。本研究將彙整國內外會展產業相關文獻,以文獻探 討、資料蒐集與深度訪談的方式,並以SWOT為理論基礎,針對會展產業探討相關議題, 以瞭解國內會展產業發展的趨勢與因應策略,並對未來台灣會展產業的發展趨勢提出相關 建議。 歸納文獻所述與分析:一、目前國內的會展產業仍屬於成長階段,但長期而言,將帶 來乘數經濟效益;二、未來國內會展產業的發展趨勢,政府將著重於提升會展環境及設備、 爭取台灣會展國際地位與開創會展新商機;三、企業及學校將更著重於會展人才的培育與 認證。因此,建議政府單位除了積極建造優質會展環境之外,應強力輔助學校規劃完善的 會展人才培育課程,並協助企業設立進階的人才認證標準,且與亞太地區其他國家建構出 互助的合作網絡關係,促進會展產業的蓬勃發展。


In nowadays global economy MICE has probably the biggest potential to become a most important new Industry. Countries around the world are trying to develop this field as it embraces a lot of different industries, like tourism, exchange of knowledge, information about products etc. and is therefore crucial for the image of the cities where events are taking place. The East Asian region has seen the fastest development over the last 50 years and certainly China has become nowadays world factory. With Taiwan losing ground in manufacturing to China and Taiwanese business relocating to the Mainland, we have to find a new way of enhancing Taiwan’s importance in the region. One way is certainly the development of the MICE industry. We have to educate and train our people so that they are fully equipped with the necessary knowledge. This study is using SWOT analysis based upon established theory, collected data and interviews of professionals in this field in order to make constructive suggestions on how to develop MICE in Taiwan. Result of our research and suggestions: (1) The Taiwanese MICE Industry is still in it’s developing stage but in the long run it will create a multiplier effect to encourage spending and boost the economy to the country. (2) The Government has to make every possible effort to upgrade the facilities and to improve the respective environment in order to put Taiwan on the map in this specific field. (3) It is mandatory to establish a clear educational system to gain sufficient human resources for the MICE Industry and to develop a unified system of certification.
