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篇名 虛擬實境應用於腦性麻痺兒童的成效:系統性回顧
卷期 40:3
並列篇名 Effects of Virtual Reality in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review
作者 邱秀靜郭尤超
頁次 136-144
關鍵字 腦性麻痺兒童隨機對照試驗系統性回顧虛擬實境Cerebral palsyChildrenRandomized controlled trialsSystematic reviewVirtual realityTSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6215/FJPT.PTS1408241086


目的:本研究的目的是調查虛擬實境介入在腦性麻痺兒童的成效及虛擬實境的成效是否能夠在停 止介入後維持。方法:研究設計為針對隨機試驗研究進行系統性回顧。搜尋Medline、Pubmed、 CINAHL、Embase、Web of Science以及PEDro資料庫。選擇的研究為接受虛擬實境介入之任何動 作階層損傷的痙攣型腦性麻痺兒童和青少年(小於18歲)。結果測量選取活動的量測,可反映最佳 的被訓練之活動能力。結果:五篇隨機對照試驗研究被檢測。其中四篇研究結果報吿訓練組有小 幅度比對照組在活動上有進步,但比例為小於30%的改善且沒有一篇研究報吿兩組間統計上達顯 著差異(P>0.05)。結論:應用虛擬實境改善腦性麻痺兒童動作的實證研究是有限的。虛擬實境的 益處和是否能作為普遍常見的治療方式雖到目前為止仍未被確定。但研究認為虛擬實境可能是有 所助益,特別是那些身心障礙兒童因身體限制造成在真實環境中有動作困難,可藉由虛擬實境作 為額外的補充介入。


Purpose: The research purposes in children with cerebral palsy were to examine if: (1) virtual reality is better than no intervention, and (2) the effect of virtual reality is maintained after the cessation of intervention. Methods: Design is systematic review of randomized trials. Searches are conducted via Medline, Pubmed, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science and PEDro databases. Studies included are randomized controlled trials with children and adolescents (<18 year's old) who were diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy at any level of motor impairment receiving virtual reality. Outcome measures of activity that best reflected the activity trained. Results: Five randomized control trials are examined. Four studies reported percentage change of outcome ranged from no improvement to 30% increase, but none of studies reported statistically insignificant difference between groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: The evidence for the use of virtual reality in improving activities is limited. There is no convincing effect of implementing virtual reality in clinical practice. This result suggests that virtual reality could be useful as a supplement of intervention for children who would like to engage in more exercise programs, especially for those have difficulties in real environments due to their level of physical limitations.
