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篇名 垂直生產行為與空間鄰近關係之辨識以臺灣製造業為例
卷期 77
並列篇名 Vertical Production and Spatial Proximity Manufacturing Industries in Taiwan
作者 閻永祺孔憲法王鳳生
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 Industrial clustersvertical production relationshipspatial proximity產業群聚垂直生產關係空間鄰近ScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6161/jgs.2015.77.01


本研究主要目標是提出垂直生產行為與空間鄰近關係之辨識架構,以作為後續辨識產業空間群聚之基礎。既有模型存在兩大限制:(1) 多以空間集中或產業聚集,辨識空間鄰近效果,兩者在意涵上與指標上有顯著差異。(2) 多著重於水平生產關係與空間集中或產業聚集之辨識,並將具有水平空間集中或產業聚集之產業,必定與其上下游產業具有空間鄰近之效果,然而兩者是否具有絕對關係,仍缺乏相關論證。透過本研究提出之辨識模型,並以製造業進行實證,有以下三大發現。(1) 本模式以垂直空間集中係數與垂直空間聚集係數共同辨識空間鄰近效果,可避免因為空間單元劃定過小而無法辨識彼此空間鄰近之區塊,或空間單元劃定過大,導致辨識結果產生偏誤;(2) 具有顯著生產關係之製造業組合,並不絕對具有顯著之垂直空間鄰近現象,當水平空間群聚產業的上下游產業同樣屬於水平空間群聚產業時,其空間鄰近效果較為顯著;(3) 不同製造業類型間,雖有顯著之垂直供需關係,其會以生產鏈內之產業組合在空間中群聚;但相對生產鏈之間,則呈現空間分散之發展趨勢。


This study applies a novel model to identify the relationship between vertical production and spatial proximity; this model can also be applied to identify industrial clusters. Most studies used concentration coefficient or agglomeration index rather than both to identify the spatial proximity. Second, the lion's share of studies assumed industries with a significant spatial concentration and industrial agglomeration will be in spatial proximity with their up- and down-stream industries. The manufacturing case study yields three important findings. (1) The model can avoid problems that may arise when units are too small to identify geographic proximity or are too large and consequently overestimate cluster boundaries. (2) Inter-manufacturing industries with strong input-output production links do not necessarily have significant spatial proximity, even when the core industry and its up- and down-stream industries belong to the spatial cluster of intra-industries. (3) Manufacturing industries with significant vertical supply-demand links will develop an inter-industrial spatial cluster on the intra-production chain; however, this cluster will have an inter-industrial spatial dispersion on the inter-production chain.
