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篇名 大果油茶中MADS-Box基因之選殖分析
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 Cloning and Characterization of MASD-Box Gene in Camellia oleifera , Abel
作者 吳家禎何政坤
頁次 053-060
關鍵字 大果油茶MADS-Box開花調控ABC模式Camellia oleiferafloral regulationABC model
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2015.29(1).5


山茶屬 (Camellia )為我國重要的觀花植物,本研究透過基因資料庫比對分析開花基因,在 B類的高保守性區域設計引子對,以山茶屬中的大果油茶(Camellia oleifera )為對象,進行基因選 殖,結果選殖出三個具有MADS-box的基因,分別命名為COMADS1 、COMADS2 及COMADS3 , 透過系統發育樹以序列相似性分析比對,將此基因歸類於開花基因模式中的B功能型之家族 (lineages)。B功能型的基因對於調控花發育極為重要,最主要被認定和花萼片與花瓣發育有關 係,並透過蛋白質序列分析得知,這三個基因皆和紅山茶 (Camellia joponica )基因序列相近,並進 行其蛋白質功能序列分析以及預測,就其蛋白質結構而言,三個蛋白質胺基酸序列中皆含有β平板 與α螺旋的結構,顯示這三個蛋白質應該具有和DNA鍵結相關的轉錄功能,並且在C端序列具有演 化意義的共演徵,針對MADS-box基因的研究,未來將有助於了解大果油茶花發育之功能研究。


Genus Camellia is famous for its flower ornamental value. In this study, the primer pairs were designed from highly-conserved regions of B function genes. Three MADS-Box genes were cloned from Camellia oleifera and were named COMADS1 , 2 and 3 , respectively. In phylogenetic tree, these three genes were cataloged to B function gene family, which affected development of petals and stamens. The cloned genes were sequenced, and their amino acid sequences were predicted. The alignment data showed that three predicted protein sequences had specific sub-family consensus domain as evolutionary synapomorphies and had high similarity with C. japonica L.. The predicted protein structures all had theβ- sheet and α-helix showing three proteins having specific DNA binding function as transcription factor. This study provided basic information for further understanding of floral molecular mechanism in C. oleifera .
