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篇名 非破壞技術應用於白蟻危害小葉南洋杉立木的檢測及評估
卷期 29:2
並列篇名 Detection and evaluation of termite damage in Norfolk island pine (Araucaria heteaophylla ) trees by nondestructive techniques
作者 林振榮黃裕星黃國雄吳孟玲
頁次 079-090
關鍵字 應力波樹木風險評估目視樹木評估法非破壞技術斷層影像技術stress wavetree risk assessmentvisual tree assessmentnon-destructive techniquetomography
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2015.29(2).2


這個研究的目的是應用不同的非破壞技術調查沒有受損害的小葉南洋杉樹木,建立標準值作為參考,另外,檢測有白蟻危害及沒有白蟻危害的小葉南洋杉樹木的橫向應力波速度斷面影像及解析影像相對應的應力波速度值圖譜,以評估樹幹內部受損的程度及區域作為樹木風險評估 的檢查依據。結果發現白蟻受損與沒有損害木材區域之間,其境界的橫向應力波速度值大約在981- 1,296 m/sec。不同的非破壞技術應用於健全樹木的評估參數可以當為診斷樹木健全或不健全的標準 值指標。本研究結果得知小葉南洋杉樹木受到白蟻危害及沒有損害的內部木材,可以使用橫向應 力波速度斷面影像及解析相對應音速值圖譜的方法,來檢測及評估內部木材的劣化程度及位置。 如果需要的話,結合其它無損技術來檢查及確認樹木的情況是較好的選項。


The purpose of this study was to investigate standard values of soundness of Norfolk island pine living trees for reference by different nondestructive evaluations. This study also detects stress wave velocity (V) and tomography (VT), and resolves corresponding V maps of Norfolk island pine trees with and without termite damage for risk assessment. The range of demarcation between termite damaged and sound wood occurred at an approximate transversal stress wave velocity of 981-1296 m/sec. Different nondestructive evaluation parameters could serve as an index for diagnosing standard values (with or without decay). Transversal VT and corresponding V maps of Norfolk island pine trees with and without termite damage could detect general location and area of wood deterioration. Combining with other nondestructive techniques to examine and confirm tree conditions is a better alternative.
