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篇名 植物熱反應及熱休克蛋白
卷期 29:2
並列篇名 Plant heat response and heat shock proteins
作者 文起祥曲芳華
頁次 137-143
關鍵字 植物熱反應熱休克蛋白熱逆境轉錄因子plant heat responseheat shock proteinheat stress transcription factor
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2015.29(2).6




As sessile organisms, plants acquire sophisticated gene regulation mechanism through evolution to respond to changing environment. Due to intensified climate change, response of plants has been an important research topic. In many environmental factors, rising temperature and heat wave receive greater attention. This article discusses plant heat perception and heat stress response. Heat response regulation model is currently based on model plant, but there is an increasing research that uses woody plant as research material. Use of different materials among different research revealed that function of the genes participated in heat response cannot rely on prediction and more research is needed.
