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篇名 褔建省戴雲山國家級自然保護區的蝶相調查與分析
卷期 29:3
並列篇名 An investigation of butterfly fauna in Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve, Fujian
作者 蔡南益林家弘陳亭瑋吳立偉
頁次 187-207
關鍵字 戴雲山國家級自然保護區蝴蝶相金斑喙鳳蝶里氏大弄蝶黎氏青鳳蝶Daiyunshan National Natural Reservebutterfly fauna,Teinopalpus aureusCapila lidderdaliGraphium leechi
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU.2015.29(3).4


為了解台灣周邊的蝶類相組成,2011年至2014年期間,我們在海峽對岸最接近臺灣的褔 建戴雲山山脈—即戴雲山國家級自然保護區及其周邊進行蝴蝶資源調查。利用物種形態並輔以 DNA生物條碼 (粒腺體cox1基因前段約658 bp) 的比對來鑑定種類,結果共紀錄6科蝴蝶251種,較 過去調查增加156種。調查期間,發現褔建省新紀錄種—里氏大弄蝶 (Capila lidderdali (Elwes))、 黎氏青鳳蝶 (Graphium leechi (Rothschild)) 以及名列IUCN紅皮書的中國I級保護物種—金斑喙鳳 蝶 (Teinopalpus aureus Mell)。此外,屬於戴雲山新紀錄種的明窗弄蝶 (Coladenia agnioides Elwes & Edwards) 與窗斑大弄蝶 (Capila translucida Leech) 在調查期間僅尋獲幼生期,未曾發現成蝶蹤影, 顯示幼生期的搜尋有助於蝶相調查的完整性。綜合昔往文獻與本調查結果,戴雲山的蝴蝶種類共 有279種,以蛺蝶科與弄蝶科為主,其中弄蝶比例偏高,可能與戴雲山保護區境內多溪流與溼地 的環境相關。初步探究戴雲山的蝴蝶群聚組成與鄰近的臺灣島關聯性,臺灣有近半的蝶種 (162種) 與戴雲山共通,顯示兩地蝶相組成有高度相關,未來若欲探討臺灣蝴蝶的多樣性與生物地理學議 題,實不可忽略戴雲山的蝴蝶多樣性。


To understand butterfly composition of adjacent regions of Taiwan, we conducted a field survey on butterfly fauna in Fujian Daiyunshan National Nature Reserve, and its neighborhood between 2011 and 2014. Butterflies were identified based on morphological characters and DNA Barcode sequences (mitochondrial cox1 gene, 658 bp). A total of 251 butterfly species were recorded, and of these 156 species were found for the first time in Daiyunshan Natural Reserve. Among these butterflies, Capila lidderdali (Elwes) and Graphium leechi (Rothschild) are new to Fujian. Noteworthy, an IUCN Red List species Teinopalpus aureus Mell, which is Class I protected species of China, is also found in Daiyunshan National Reserve. It is interesting that only caterpillars of two skippers, Capila translucida Leech and Coladenia agnioides Elwes & Edwards, were found during the field work. The result indicated that search for larval stage is important to investigation of butterfly fauna. Combining published references and our study, the total number of butterfly species of Daiyunshan National Natural Reserve is 279 with nymphalids and skippers being the major components of the butterfly fauna. Comparing to the butterfly fauna in Taiwan, there were 162 species shared with the fauna in Daiyunshan National Reserve. It is without doubt that the butterfly fauna in Daiyunshan plays an important role in studying biodiversity and biogeography of Taiwanese butterflies.
