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篇名 英國高等教育招收國際學生政策之探討
卷期 259
並列篇名 A Study on the Policies of International Student Recruitment to UK Higher Education
作者 楊瑩
頁次 056-079
關鍵字 英國高等教育國際化國際學生United Kingdomhigher educationinternationalizationinternational students
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/168063602015110259005




British universities have been well-known for their good quality, and Oxford and Cambridge have been recognized as two of the top world-class universities. So the UK has become one of the favorite countries for students from developing countries to study. In the earlier years, British government has provided abundant scholarships to international student and allowed international students to work and stay in Britain after graduation, in order to attract them to study in the UK. But, in order to control immigration and eliminate the abuse of the student visa, the UK government has adopted a considerably more rigid standard to issue the student visas and reformed the regulation of immigration since 2010, which has, in turn, affected the recruitment of international students to British universities. This paper aims, firstly, to review the reforms of policies of recruiting international students to the UK universities, and then to analyze the current recruitment of international students and the composition of students in the UK higher education especially by domicile of origin. Finally a brief conclusion is summarized.
