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篇名 國內油價對國際原油價格波動的不對稱反應
卷期 15
作者 劉惠玲方世詮陳惠玲
頁次 416-428
關鍵字 國際原油油價調價漲跌不對稱最小平方法(OLS)迴歸模型International crude oilOil price adjustmentChange asymmetryOrdinary least squares regression model
出刊日期 201405


臺灣高度仰賴能源進口之國家,對原油進口佔有率接近100%,當國際原油價格上漲, 使我國內油價價格跟著調漲;然而國內油價市場雙龍頭中油和臺塑兩大供油業皆宣稱,其 油價調價行為主要都依據國際原油價格漲跌走勢,國內油價價格是否與國際原油價格同步, 與消費者權益關係非常密切。本研究樣本開始於2002 年6 月1 日至2013 年5 月31,共 4018 筆日資料,採用最小平方法迴歸模型 (Ordinary Least Square Estimation, OLS),研究 國內油價價格是否與國際原油價格同步,是否存在著漲跌不對稱的問題。實證結果發現: 國際原油OPEC 與國內批售油價呈現對稱現象;國際原油布蘭特與國內批售油價調漲幅度 大於調跌幅度之不對稱現象。國內中油九五和臺塑九五零售呈現不對稱現象,證實國內中 油和臺塑零售呈現「跟漲不跟跌」價格僵固現象。


Taiwan relies on the height of the country's energy imports, for crude oil imports share of close to 100%, when the international crude oil prices, I followed the domestic oil price hikes. However, the domestic oil market and Formosa Petroleum dual two leading oil industry are declared its oil price adjustment behavior mainly based on international crude oil price change trend, domestic oil prices are synchronized with the international crude oil prices, A very close relationship with the consumers' interests.The study sample began at 1 June 2002 to May 2013 31 Total 4018 Pen date information, using the Ordinary least squares regression model (OLS), research on domestic oil prices are synchronized with the international crude oil prices, if there is a problem Change asymmetrical. The empirical results show: OPEC crude oil and domestic wholesale prices showed symmetrical phenomenon; Brent crude oil prices and domestic wholesale rate hike greater degree of asymmetry decreases tone. China Petroleum and Formosa ninety-five retail ninety-five show asymmetries, china Petroleum and Formosa proven retail presentation "with no follow up or" price rigidity phenomenon.

