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篇名 醫療保險電子化可行性之研究
卷期 16
作者 唐明曦陳昱曄
頁次 261-276
關鍵字 保險優遊碼醫療保險保險創新服務QR codeinsQ smartmedical insuranceinnovative insurance servicesQR code
出刊日期 201505


由於國人對於保險的觀念提升,保險需求與日倶增,但保險爭議的發生層出不 窮,為了降低保險糾紛的發生比例,以及讓社會大眾透過保險整合的方式能夠對於 自身保險的保障内容及權益更加清楚,故本研究以保險爭議佔率較高的醫療險為研 究範圍,提出應用現代科技電子化的「保險優遊碼」保險創新服務,融合個人保險 資訊網頁與二維條碼QR code ,讓消費者在利用行動裝置的同時,也能隨時上網瀏 覽個人保險相關資訊。希望藉由保險優遊碼能提高消費者對自身保障的認知,同時 簡化辦理保險相關業務的程序,以減少消費者在保險購前、中、後所衍生的問題, 降低保險爭議的發生,使「保險」這項無形商品得以拉近和保戶之間的距離,降低 未來和保險公司的紛爭,進而使得保險市場更加穩定,保障更加安心。本研究問卷 結果顯示許多受訪者並不清楚自己醫療險的保障内容及理賠額度,受訪者對於「保 險優遊碼」服務願意使用並接受的程度比例為69.7%,且受訪者認為此項創新服務有 可行性之發展高達74% ,顯示醫療保險電子化為具可行性之保險創新服務。


Due to the better understanding of insurance concept, the demands for insurance have risen gradually in Taiwan. However, the insurance related disputes also increase. We focus on medical insurance and propose a concept of integrating modern technology, personal webpage and QR code in hope to reduce the disputes and help the policyholders to get the whole picture of their coverages. With the innovative scheme (insQ smart) we proposed, users can access their personal insurance information by using mobile devices to scan a QR code. And the personal webpage provide a simplified tool to manage insurance matters including detailed personal insurance coverage, comparison with peers and claims applications. The result of our questionnaire shows that for now a large portion of respondents are not well aware of their coverages. 69.7% are willing to use the innovative services we proposed, and 74% agree that the innovative services are feasible.

