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篇名 精實生產與綠色供應鏈對產品設計之影響
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 The Influence of Lean Manufacture and Green Supply Chain on Product Design
作者 李正文游惠閔
頁次 163-168
關鍵字 精實生產綠色供應鏈產品設計導向lean manufacturegreen supply chainproduct design oreintation
出刊日期 201510


許多企業將「精實」及「綠色」應用於製造過程中,因此本研究透過精實生 產與綠色供應鏈之評估準則,使企業能夠有效找出企業生產過中所著重之因子以 及產品設計之最適導向。本研究使用AHP方法建立問卷並進行專家訪談,研究對 象為16位半導體、機械、電子產業之專家。問卷結果顯示,即時生產、品質管理 及環境改善為企業於生產管理項目中首要考量之因子。此結果顯示,相較於綠色 供應鏈,大多數企業較重視精實生產的項目。另一方面,半導體及機械產業對於 產品設計著重於製造導向,但電子產業較注重使用導向,此結果與產業之產品應用有相關性。


The aim of this study is to explore and evaluate the best orientation of products design on the relationship between Lean Manufacture and Green Supply Chain. Many enterprises apply “lean” and “green” in their production process. Furthermore, through the factors in lean manufacture and green supply chain will help enterprises to find the most important factors in production process and the best product design orientation. The survey was based on the AHP methodology and the questionnaire will be sent to sixteen experts who are in Semiconductor Industry, Mechanical Industry and Electronics Industry. Just in time, quality management and environment improvement are the top three evaluation criteria that sixteen experts focus on. The applications for lean manufacture are more than green supply chain in these sixteen experts. On the other hand, Semiconductor Industry and Mechanical Industry focus on manufacture-oriented product design of products design. However Electronics Industry pays more attention on the use-oriented product design. These results have some relationship between the function of industry products.
