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篇名 《三言‧警世通言‧蘇知縣羅衫再合》初探
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The Study of the “San-Yan • Common Words to Wam the Wor1d • Su Mayor Meet a Silk of Undergarment Again"
作者 徐月芳
頁次 174-200
關鍵字 馮夢龍三言警世通言蘇知縣羅衫Feng Meng-LongSan-YanCommon Words to Wam the WorldSuMayorSilk of Undergarrnent
出刊日期 201209


〈蘇知縣羅衫再合〉出自《三言》中的《警世通言》卷十一。馮夢龍繼承了中國文學「教化為先」的傳統,他在《警世通言》敘中明白揭示其教化用心:「六 經、《語》、《孟》,譚者紛如,歸於令人為忠臣,為孝子,為賢牧,為良友’ 為義夫,為節婦……以前因後果為勸懲,以道聽塗說為學問。而通俗演義一種’ 遂足以佐經書史傳之窮。」馮氏鑑於當時社會飽暖思淫慾的風尚,提出他個人對 「酒、色、財、氣」的看法,以通俗小說教化人的理念,鋪敘架構以惑人心致禍 端的「酒、色、財、氣」為人話,導人禍害最甚的「財、色」為正話的內容以警 世。今試以當時的社會生態及馮夢龍的思想,來探討〈蘇知縣羅衫再合〉的故事情節、主題思想、人物塑造及寫作技巧。


“Su Mayor re-wear the undergarment” comes from “Common Words to Warn the World” of‘‘San-Yan,’ band 11. Feng Meng-Long inherited the tradition of “Education first” in Chinese literature. In his “Common Words to Warn the World” he declares with clarity his heart for education “Six Jing”、“Analects of Confocius”、“Mencius”, there are many scholars who stimulate one to be good governor, well-behaved children, educated teacher, good friend and humble husband and good wife etc. and to persuade people to teachings according to their acting result. In earlier times people accumulate learning from roadside hearings, so popular romances can strengthen the classical writings. ’’Feng rendered his personal perspective about “alcohol, erotic,wealth and customs5,5 and he thinks of cultivating people by popular romances as he sees the social trend of lazy living. His structure begins with “alcohol, erotic,wealth and customs” leading to the most two serious factors of “wealth and customs” with the content to warn the world. Hereby use the social environment of that time and Feng Meng-Long5s thinking to analyze the story plot stmcture, thought of motif, character description and writing skills of “ Six Mayor Meet a Silk of Undergarment Again”.
