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篇名 醫院員工的夜間工作與輪班工作型態與發生代謝症候群的相關性探討
卷期 22:4
並列篇名 Night-Work and Shift Work Styles May Affect Occurrence of Metabolic Syndrome of Hospital Workers
作者 王美雯黃奕瑜
頁次 239-248
關鍵字 醫院工作者夜間工作輪班工作代謝症候群Hospital workerNight workingShift-workingMetabolic syndromeTSCI
出刊日期 201510


目的:醫院是提供健康服務的地方,一個良好健康的醫院,才能成就一個健康的社 區。然而,輪班或夜班的工作,是挑戰醫院人員健康的重要因素,本研究探討台灣某北部 地區醫院人員發生代謝症候群和夜間工作或輪班工作的相關性。 方法:本研究利用某北部區域型教學醫院年例行年度健檢,其中共514名各單位員工有 完整健康檢查資料;分別判定為符合代謝症候群定義(台灣衛生福利部, 2007,符合三項異 常)、代謝症候群高危險群(符合兩項異常合併總膽固醇異常)、無代謝症候群,並依照是否 有午夜工作或輪班工作之事實分別進行分組,再以一般性描述統計、T檢定及卡方檢定分析 是否與代謝症候群發生有相關性。 結果:依照是否有午夜工作情形為有或無午夜工作兩組,分別為216人及298人,其中 診斷為代謝症候群或高危險群者為22.7%及23.5%,健康者佔77.3%及76.5% (P-value>0.05), 即代謝症候群的發生與午夜工作不具相關性。依照是否有工作情形分為有或無輪班兩組, 分別為360人及154人,其中診斷為代謝症候群或高危險群者為24.4%及20.1%,健康者佔 75.6%及79.9% (P-value<0.05),即代謝症候群的發生與輪班工作具相關性。 結論:輪班的工作常會造成工作人員作息不正常,較需要值夜班的工作來說,與造成 代謝症候群的發生具有相關性,我們應該要更重視輪班因素造成的健康問題。


Introduction: Hospital health services are provided by many medical and nonmedical staff who work day and night shifts. A good hospital contributes to a healthy community. However, changing working hours and working night shifts affect the staff’s health significantly. In this study, we tried to find out the relationship between the metabolic syndrome and work shifts in one regional hospital in the north of Taiwan. Methods: In this study, we investigated data derived from routine health examinations conducted in 2012. The study included information on 514 participants regarding their sex, work unit, blood pressure, waist circumference, triglyceride level, fasting plasma glucoses, and total cholesterol. We divided the participants into three groups based on the criteria proposed by the Taiwan Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, in 2007: with metabolic syndrome (meeting three or more criteria for abnormality), at high risk for metabolic syndrome (meeting at least two criteria for abnormality), and without metabolic syndrome. In addition, we divided the participants into two groups according to the shifting work hours or working at night. χ2 tests and Student T-test were used for analysis. Results: The sample consisted of 216 participants with and 298 without night working hours. It was also broken down into 360 staff who did and 154 who did not have regular work shifts. The rates of metabolic syndrome for staff with versus without night working hours were 14.8% versus 15.4%, respectively. The percentages at high risk for metabolic syndrome were 7.9% versus 8.1% among staff with versus those without night working hours, respectively. The breakdown for those without metabolic syndrome was 77.3% versus 76.53% for participants with versus those without night working hours, respectively. The P values for all comparisons in the night work groups were greater than 0.05. Among the participants with versus those without regular work shifts, the rates of metabolic syndrome were 14.4% and 16.9%, respectively. The proportions in the high-risk group were 10.0% and 3.2%, respectively, and the percentages in the group without metabolic syndrome were 75.6% and 79.9%, respectively. All P values for comparisons in these groups were less than 0.05. Thus, metabolic syndrome is related to working regular shifts but not to working night shifts. Conclusions: Shifting the working hours of hospital workers leads to the disruption of their lifestyles. It has a higher correlation than working night shifts with the occurrence of metabolic syndrome. More attention should be paid to the problems related to shifting work hours among the hospital staff.
