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篇名 書籍網站資訊組織架構與瀏覽介面設計的考量: 以亞馬遜網路書店為例
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 User Friendly Websites: Information Organization and Browsing Interface Design Issues: A Case Study of the Amazon.com
作者 林珊如
頁次 016-032
關鍵字 搜尋瀏覽分類Ainazonxom網路書店數位圖書館
出刊日期 200103


系統介面上資訊的組織與呈現,與使用者資訊行為的瞭解息息相關。本文 從圖書資孰學的角度分析Amazon.com網站之資訊組織原則與瀏覽介面設計之 特徵,分別歸納為五大原則五項特色,對同以書籍資料為主的網站或電子圖書 館之建置期有參考價值。


The information oiganization and representation on browsing interface is closely related to the users^ information seeking and use behavior. From the perspective of library iiifonnation science} this article analyzes the webpage designing of an Internet Bookstore? the Amazon-conij its oiganizational principle and browsing interface. Its characteristics can be classified into 5 principles and 5 features. This analysis expects to offer referential value to the construction of similar websites or digital libraries.
