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篇名 照顧一位口腔癌病人手術後之護理經驗
卷期 12
並列篇名 Conflict and compromise between the rights to privacy of medical information and press freedom
作者 劉瓔宜何修嫺
頁次 071-085
關鍵字 口腔癌疼痛組織完整性受損身體心像改變oral cavity cancerpainfulnessthe damage of the tissue completenesschange of the body-mind image
出刊日期 201203


本文探討一位口腔癌病人手術後身心靈的變化及其照護過程。護理期間自 99 年3 月29 日至99 年4 月17 日止,筆者藉由直接照護、身體評估、會談, 運用Gordon 11 項健康型態評估,收集主客觀資料,確立病人健康問題有:『組 織完整性受損』、『呼吸道清除功能失效』、『疼痛』、『身體心像紊亂』。 在護理過程中主動傾聽及關懷病人感受,給予支持性鼓勵,協助接受治療,提 供胸腔物理治療,教導有效深呼吸、咳嗽,協助痰液排出,處理疼痛,加強口 腔照護,有效改善異味,避免傷口感染;再透過社工師提供資源、關懷團體, 以及友人的協助下,克服術後身體心像的改變帶來的衝擊,獲得最佳身心的狀 態。本文希望藉由護理經驗分享,提供日後護理同仁照護此類病人之參考。


This article focuses on the changes in body, mind, and spirit of a cancer patient after the first surgery, and the process of the nursing caring after the surgery. The nursing caring period is from 29th of March, 2012 to 17th of April, 2012. The researcher had the conclusion that the patient had the following health problems: “the damage of the completeness of tissues", “the cleaning function of the aspiration canal malfunction", “painfulness", “disorder of the body-mind image" using the following methods: direct nursing, body function evaluation, observation while communicating, the Gordon's eleven healthiness evaluation for collecting objective and subjective information about the patient. The researcher offered the direct care about what the patient felt and what he had in mind, encouraged him with the supportive attitude to help him through the treatment, offered him the chest physical treatment, taught him the effective breathing and coughing method to help giving out the phlegm, offered him the treatment on pain, offered him the oral cavity caring to avoid the bad breathing and avoid the infection on the wound. Besides all of the above, the researcher also introduced him with the resources like caring group from social workers, and helped his friends to support him under the great impulse on body-mind image turbulence after the surgery for better state of body and mind. The researcher would like to share this experience and hopes it would help those who encounter the similar condition.
