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篇名 災變社會工作者生命歷程之研究
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Research of the Life Experience on the Disaster Social Workers
作者 吳鄭善明
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 災變社會工作者生命歷程disaster social workerslife experience
出刊日期 201303




Objectives: This study is exploring the life experience of social workers on the disaster service system. Methods : The study method is the in-depth interview of qualitative research method. There had seven social workers who involve the life rehabilitation of the typhoon disaster. Results: The preparation of the social works entering the disaster area, the motive power and mission of the social workers on disaster, the service experience of the social workers on disaster, the mental preparation of the social workers on disaster, the life change of the social workers on disaster. Conclusions: The study conclusions have the social support network on disaster, the enhance of the value on the social workers, the promote of the disaster management, the mental construction of the social workers.
