
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 吳訥《文章辨體》中的辨體觀念析論
卷期 30
並列篇名 Analysis of Textual Concepts in Wenzhang Bianti
作者 鄭柏彥
頁次 185-204
關鍵字 文章辨體吳訥形構情志語藝文體Wenzhang BiantiWu Naformationsensationorthodoxy and literary styleTHCI
出刊日期 201511




Wu Na was influenced by the critique, such as the ideas of poetry described in Preface of Poetry, Wen Xom Diao Long (a literary critique), Wen Zhang Zheng Zhong (official documents) and the Textual Concepts in Ancient Odes as well as the thoughts of Zhu Xi and Wen Xuen (selections of refined literature), Tang Wen Cui (the anthology of the Tang), Song Wen Jian (poetry of the North Song) and Yuan Wen Lei (poetry of the Yuan); however, the historical and cultural tradition is transformed into his perceptions, principles and narrations in formation and sensation of textual concepts. The textual concepts of formation are divided into system and rhetoric and textual concepts of sensation are divided into orthodoxy and emotion.
