
東吳中文學報 THCI

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篇名 清代至近代《說文》學之轉向:論朱駿聲《說文通訓定聲》學術地位之變化
卷期 30
並列篇名 Zhu Jun Sheng, Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng of evaluation and impact
作者 鍾哲宇
頁次 269-291
關鍵字 《說文》學史《說文通訓定聲》朱駿聲清代學術訓詁學Ching Dynasty AcademicShuowen Tongxun DingshengChinese PaleographyZhu Jun ShengCritical Interpretation of Ancient TextsTHCI
出刊日期 201511




This paper attempts to analysis from the Qing Dynasty to modern times, Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng changes in the context of academic status. Zhu Jun Sheng, Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng in the Qing Dynasty scholar's assessment is not prominent, compiled from Ting Fu-pao, Shuo Wen Jie Zi Lin Gu, after, Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng for scholars to start paying attention, and thus lay the academic status. After Wang's respected by modern scholars, but also affect younger scholars Zhu books, this phenomenon is particularly evident in the mainland. Furthermore, Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng so very different generation and evaluation of the Qing Dynasty, Zhu books because of the nature and conventional, Shuowen works different, reflecting the innovation and research value, so the book by the height of modern scholars attention, can be seen, Shuowen Tongxun Dingsheng by Qing scholars criticize, but to be as modern, Four Big Sects of Shuowen and certainly, also has a long history.
