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篇名 衛生教育的新策略—學習檔案
卷期 62:6
並列篇名 Learning Portfolio: A New Strategy in Health Education
作者 鄭怡娟陳慶如張瑜珊黃立琪
頁次 105-111
關鍵字 衛生教育學習檔案health educationlearning portfolioMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6224/JN.62.6.105




Health education is the teaching by healthcare professionals of healthcare-related knowledge and skills to students in order that these students learn to help patients self-manage their disease and maintain health. This article introduces a new strategy in health education known as the learning portfolio and presents the theoretical basis and function of the learning portfolio and the current application of this approach in academic and health education. The learning portfolio is a learner-centric approach that collects evidence related to an individual’s learning process systematically. This approach helps educators understand learner needs and conditions, while allowing the learner to observe his / her learning process in a manner that promotes self-reflection, continual inspection, and behavioral modification throughout the learning process. The results enhance the motivation of learners and strengthen their care confidence in accomplishing learning tasks.
