
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 高中教師使用審定本教科書之影響因素研究:計畫行為理論之應用
卷期 38:4
並列篇名 The Factors that Affect High School Teachers’ Use of Textbooks: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
作者 林信志簡瑋成楊國揚
頁次 101-129
關鍵字 計畫行為理論高中教師教科書theory of planned behaviorhigh school teachertextbookTSSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.3966/102498852015123804004


我國教育歷經課程鬆綁、教科書開放、教師專業自主權提升之後,教科書也 開放民間編輯及審定制度,故有必要了解教育現場教師教科書使用之狀況。其中, 高中教科書之大規模調查研究十分缺乏,因此本研究對全國公、私立高中教師進行 問卷調查,了解教師對審定本教科書的依賴程度與教學使用方式。同時,透過計畫 行為理論,釐清態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制對教師使用教科書行為意向之影響 關係。最後依據1,708 份有效問卷分析,得到六點結論:一、高中教師對審定本教 科書之依賴程度仍高;二、高中教師多採取相互調適取向來使用審定本教科書; 三、態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制皆為影響高中教師教科書使用的因素;四、知 覺行為控制對高中教師教科書使用行為意向的影響最大,主觀規範的影響最低; 五、課程領域或考科群組高中教師在使用教科書關係模式上有所差異;六、教科書 依賴程度與教學方式對高中教師使用教科書影響模式方面,僅高依賴比中、低依賴 在態度上產生較強的顯著影響。


As Taiwan has experienced a series of educational reforms, especially open textbooks and textbook censorship, it is very important to understand teachers’ use of textbooks. Therefore, this study implemented a nationwide questionnaire survey of high school teachers to realize how teachers’ reliance and teaching methods for textbooks. The study also analyzed the relationship of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intention for teachers to use textbooks. Based on 1,708 valid questionnaires were analyzed, five major findings are as follows: (1) high school teachers still have high reliance on textbooks; (2) most high school teachers use textbooks as mutual adaptation; (3) attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control are important for the intention of teachers’ use of textbooks; (4) perceived behavioral control is the greatest influence on the intention of teachers’ use of textbooks, and subjective norm is the lowest; (5) different courses have significant impacts on the model of high school teachers’ use of textbooks; (6) high reliance teachers’ attitude has significant impacts on the intention of teachers’ use of textbooks.
