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篇名 服務學習-士林高商應外科「口語訓練」之課程設計與學生學習成效
卷期 66:4
並列篇名 Service-Learning: Course Design and Student Learning Outcome in Oral Training Courses of Shilin High School of Commerce
作者 莊念青
頁次 135-155
關鍵字 服務學習課程設計學生學習成效Service-learningCourse designStudent learning outcome
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6249/SE.2015.66.4.07


本教學專題旨在探討士林高商應外科之口語訓練課程之課程設計,並提供該課程之學生學習成效。為了提倡應外科學生能夠務實地使用外語,提升語言 學習能力,英語教師在課程中融入「服務學習」元素,讓高職應外科學生能夠 在正規課堂時間,走出校園,結合鄰近社區,帶給社區内國小學童難忘的「英文繪本故事」時間。同時,這樣的繪本時間也讓語言的使用成為真實的情境, 如同Billig (2002)所示,「服務學習應本於課程之設計」。學生之學習成效將以多元方式呈現其成果,包含學習歷程檔案(portfolio)、學習單、課堂觀 察與發表。透過多元的評量與學習成效呈現方式,讓評量更為貼近課程之學 習目標。最後,透過學生實際投入服務學習的過程,參與此課程之高二學生表 示,在歷經創意激盪、反思與成長後,所投入的利他的展現,將自身之心力化 為成就與感動,是本課程最大之收穫。


The teaching project aims to describe one oral training course in Shilin High School of Commerce and also provides the student learning outcome of the course. In order to help students of Applied Foreign Languages use the language in a real-world setting and sharpen their language learning ability, English teachers introduced the notion of “service learning” into the course curriculum,which plans to lead the vocational high school students out of the school during class hours, promoting a closer bondwith the neighboring community, and giving elementary school students an unforgettable story-telling lesson and experience, as Billig (2002) indicated that “service-learning is driven by curriculum.” Two classes of Applied Foreign Language department took part in the study and the students showed positive feedback and gained more confidence after they completed the project. The student learning outcomes were assessed by the means of portfolio, feedback sheets, observation and performance.Many high school participants claimed to have learnt a lot from ? the oral training course where sei*vice-learning was embedded. They expressed that . their sense of achievement was strengthened after they made all the efforts, such as brainstomxing and constant reflection on their project. Also, they felt highly moved after devoting themselves to the altmistic, helpful activities.
