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篇名 社區保育與治理-論社區在封溪護漁計畫的角色扮演
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 Community conservation and governance: the role of community in the stream conservation scheme
作者 盧道杰葉美智江品君
頁次 249-258
關鍵字 社區參與參與式治理保育與發展自然旅遊自然資源經營管理治理community participationparticipatory governanceconservation and developmentnatural tourismnatural resources managementgovernance
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU. 2015.29(4).2


封溪護漁是臺灣常見的社區自然資源經營管理或治理的方式,其計畫的啟動者或主導 者,可分為社區組織、地方政府 (鄉鎮公所) 及民間保育團體等三類。社區在這三種類型的封溪護 漁中,都扮演著重要角色,也是整合區域層級保育與發展及提升保育尺度的關鍵。一般影響封溪 護漁運作的因子包含:組織運作能力、透明的資訊傳遞、經濟誘因、法規的支持、及與在地社會 文化的連結等。政府單位及其受法規所賦予的操作空間與權力,也會影響封溪護漁計畫。民間保 育團體則需考量會員意願、向心、透明及責信度等組織運作事項。如果政府機關能採取更多參與 式的做法,加強與社區的夥伴關係,完善法規的支持,及監測與評量,封溪護漁或可進一步充實 臺灣自然資源經營管理或治理的論述與實務。


Stream conservation is one of the most popular ways for local communities to be involved in natural resource management and/or governance in Taiwan. It can be initiated or conducted by community organizations, local governments (mainly a township office) and non-governmental conservation organizations. The local community plays a key role in all three types of stream conservation schemes, is able to integrate regional conservation and development and promotes scales of the schemes. Influential factors of stream conservation may include but not limit to organizational capacity, transparency, economic incentives, and linkage with local society and culture. Authorities, mainly the county governments and township offices, and the power and space assigned by legislatives also hugely influence the schemes. Regarding non-governmental conservation organizations, they need to consider those relevant to organizational operation such as member willingness, cohesion, transparency and accountability. It can contribute more to discourse and practice of natural resources for stream conservation. On the other hand, government could adopt a more participatory approach, strengthen partnerships with local communities, make sound legislation and introduce greater monitoring and evaluation on environment and program effectiveness.
