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篇名 全民參與生態資料庫之應用-以生態旅遊為例
卷期 29:4
並列篇名 Public Participation in the Application of Ecological Database - Example of Ecotourism
作者 葉美智劉秋良楊燿隆
頁次 259-270
關鍵字 公民科學台灣生物多樣性網絡自發性地理資訊系統群眾外包citizen scienceTBNVGICrowdsourcing
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6542/EFNTU. 2015.29(4).3


本研究旨在基於公民科學的理論架構上探討全民參與資料庫應用於生態旅遊發展,透過 公眾參與(public participation)的模式,民眾能有效、快速、廣泛並正確地蒐集本土生物多樣性資料 上傳至資料分享平台,並透過分享平台的建置,使全民有機會參與生物分布狀態之調查工作,並 發掘在地生態特色,強化生物多樣性資源保育、提供遊憩資源經營管理及生態旅遊規劃等實務應 用。本研究主要以行政院農業委員會特有生物保育中心所建置的「台灣生物多樣性網絡」(TBN)資 料庫為基礎,進一步設計符合友善公眾參與的平台做為進一步生態資料的應用,透過文獻回顧及 實際操作案例的討論,探討公民科學、群眾外包的發展趨勢及重要性。有關群眾外包資料的準確 性可透過適當的教育訓練、調查工具及分析方法的應用上加以提昇。


The purpose of this study was based the theory of citizen science to discuss public participation in the application of data bank for ecotourism development. Through public participation, public collect local biodiversity information and upload to a sharing platform. This process creates opportunities for public participation in data collection to determine local characteristics of an area, strengthen biodiversity conservation, manage recreation resources, and develop ecotourism. The study mainly used the Taiwan Biodiversity Network (TBN) established by the Endemic Species Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan), to build a friendly platform for ecotourism development. A literature review of case studies was carried out to discuss importance and trends in citizen science and crowdsourcing. We suggest the need to create training materials with examples in areas where difficulties in identification are encountered, and to offer methodologies for contributors to reflect on the information they contribute; possibly by giving feedback to the evaluations of their contributed data or by making additional training materials available.
