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篇名 論春秋時期列國嗣君的登位問題
卷期 107
並列篇名 The Discussion on how Crown Princes become Monarchs in the Spring and Autumn Period
作者 談士榮
頁次 171-195
關鍵字 嗣君君權國内貴族國外諸侯嫡長制crown princemonarchdomestic nobilityforeign princesThe First Son of the Lineal Descents Inheritance System
出刊日期 201512


在春秋時期,如果想成為一名國君,在理論上而言最快且最簡單的方法,就是成為該國的 嗣君。然而歷史告訴我們,從嗣君到真正的國君之間,這看似咫尺的距離有時會如天涯般遙 遠,嗣君除了要避免來自父母、手足與伯叔的惡意與迫害,有時還要爭取國内貴族與國外諸侯 的支持。稍有疏忽,不但無法登上君位,就連自己的生命都無法保全。本文以探討春秋時期列 國嗣君如果想要平安繼位,究竟需要具備哪些要素為切入點,逐一討論這些要素所具備的時代 概念與特色,讓我們能再次對春秋時代有所了解。


In the Spring and Autumn Period, the fastest and easiest way to become a monarch, in theory, is to become the country's crown prince. However, history tells us that between the crown prince and the real monarch there lies a great distance. The crown prince does not only have to pay attention to malicious persecutions from their parents, brothers and uncles. They sometimes also need to seek support from domestic nobility and foreign princes. A careless move could threaten their claim to the crown and even their life. This paper intends to explore the key factors in the Spring and Autumn Period that allows a crown prince safely to become a real monarch. These factors would allow us a deeper insight into the important characteristics of this historical period.
