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篇名 論當代全球化發展與生態環境變遷
卷期 107
並列篇名 An Analysis on Contemporary Globalization and Ecological Environment Change
作者 周寶明
頁次 197-221
關鍵字 全球化生態環境變遷全球環境治理永續發展globalizationecological environmentchangeglobal environmental governancesustainable development
出刊日期 201512


全球化已成為當今國際關係重要研究領域之一,因其發生與影響範圍所及,不只限於國際 社會之經濟層面,亦涵蓋多方面向,但其中最嚴重與最令人擔憂的是,人類整體生態環境隨著 當代全球致力於經濟與其他發展之情況下,已產生明顯變遷。從諸多的科學研究與觀察結果, 證明生態環境已遭受嚴重破壞,並為全球帶來威脅與挑戰。希望藉由本文的探討,讓大家能夠 更瞭解,在全球化發展之背景下,生態環境為何發生變遷、它可能為世人帶來哪些影響以及國 際社會因應之道與未來挑戰,期使提醒大家對生態環境的珍惜與維護,讓萬物得以永續發展。


Globalization has become one of the major and significant studies in international relations. It creates lots of effects to people in economy or other dimensions. However, the most serious and undesirable circumstance is that our ecological environment is changing on a large scale under the development of contemporary globalization. From the outcomes of various scientific researches and observations, the environmental degradation is becoming severe and, in the meanwhile, bringing the threats and challenges to human beings. This article tries to find out that, in the context of globalization, the factors that result in our environmental change, the adverse effects with the environmental degradation, international responses, and future challenges. In addition, this article attempts to remind people of the importance of environmental protection as well as our sustainable development on the earth.
