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篇名 Virtual Performances and Interactive Installations – Commemorate the Life of Teresa Teng
卷期 2
作者 Department of Information and Tourism, Taipei City Government
頁次 058-059
出刊日期 201512



Every era has someone or something that symbolizes it. Teresa Teng (鄧麗君) is that kind of legendary figure. With a sweet smile and voice to match, she sang songs that brought peace to a restless generation. In recognition of her accomplishments, the Discovery Center of Taipei is showing a virtual performance by Teng on the first floor as part of “The Return of Teresa Teng Memorial Exhibition (何日君再來‧鄧 麗君文物紀念展). ” Using virtual reality technology from the California-based visual effects production house Digital Domain, an Academy Award winner for Scientific and Technical Achievement, Teng’s enchanting character is recreated, to allow fans to relive her performances of such classics as “Sweet as Honey ( 甜蜜蜜).”

