
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 翻譯「教師」—日系教育小說中受到雙重文化影響的教師典範
卷期 46
並列篇名 Translating “Teacher”: The Role Model in the Education Novel under the Influence of Dual Cultures
作者 陳宏淑
頁次 031-062
關鍵字 包天笑小泉又一教育小說教師典範Bao TianxiaoYe ShengtaoEducation Novelrole modelTHCI
出刊日期 201503


清末文人包天笑翻譯的教育小說大多從日本翻譯或轉譯而成,其中有一類以 教師為主體,形成了新的文類特色,延續到民國之後葉聖陶的教育小說。這類教 育小說與西方源自德國的教育成長小說 (Bildungsroman) 非常不同,不僅描寫的 主體不同,而且除了學校生活之外,更藉由教師的形象、話語、各種事件,傳達 新式教育的教育論述。《埋石棄石記》可說是最明顯的典型。本研究先探究明治 時期教育小說的發展,探查當時日本的社會如何調和歐洲新思潮與日本傳統儒家 思想,再以此書為個案探討書中的教師典範。換言之,本研究想了解包天笑翻譯 出來的「教師」反映出怎樣的特質,而經由從歐洲譯入日本,再譯入中國的新式 教師形象,與儒家傳統教師形象之間,發生了怎樣的交會與調和。


As one of the most important translators of the late Qing dynasty, Bao Tianxiao translated a large number of education novels, either directly from Japanese originals or indirectly from Western novels by way of Japan. His direct translations, usually with a teacher as the main character, constituted a new genre, with its special feature being a focus on a teacher’s personal and school life. Such a theme was also noticeable in the education novels written by Ye Shengtao. The Japanese-style Education Novel differs greatly from the Bildungsroman, which spread from Germany to various Western countries, although it is similarly termed as a Novel of Education. In the Japanese version, the main character is usually a teacher. In addition to the description of school life, the Japanese Education Novel tends to express a discourse of modern education through the utterances, related events, and the presented image of the teacher. The Story of Buried or Thrown Stones (Maishi Qishi Ji) serves as an example of a Japanese-style education novel. In this study I explore the development of the Education Novel in Meiji Japan and discuss how Meiji society blended Western modernism with traditional Confucianism in its new system of education. Then, I use this book to demonstrate how Bao presents a role model through his rendering of the Japanese original while under the influence of dual cultures. In other words, this study analyzes qualities of the teacher that Bao translates in this Japanese-style education novel, and what kind of reconciliation exists between the traditional image of the teacher from Chinese Confucianism and the modern image of the teacher as it was shaped on its journey from Europe to China via Japan.
