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篇名 品牌標語的促發效應之研究—以消費者內心修正機制觀點為基礎
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 The Priming Effect of Brand Slogans from the Perspective of Consumers’ Mental Correction
作者 曾忠蕙
頁次 125-152
關鍵字 品牌標語品牌名稱促發效應內心修正機制brand namesbrand sloganspriming effectmental correction mechanismScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6226/NTUMR.2015.MAY.R.12031




This study investigates whether the priming effects of a brand slogan and its brand name are dissimilar. We developed two studies based on schema theory, the persuasion knowledge model, and the mental correction mechanism. In Study 1, we found that the priming effect of a brand slogan associated with the appeal of saving money (which is related to price) is negative in comparison with the appeal of its brand name; however, we found that the priming effect of a brand slogan associated with happiness (which is not related to price) is positive. In Study 2, we found that the priming effect of apparently persuasive messages (i.e., the appeal of saving money) is cognitive, and thus strengthens the correction mechanism in the minds of consumers. Therefore, the priming effect of price-related slogans combined with brand names is negative.
