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篇名 《中原音韻》之異讀與特殊音讀考述──兼以現存元曲為證
卷期 14
並列篇名 An Investigation of Heteronyms and Special Pronunciations in the Zhongyuan yinyun 中原音韻:Evidence from Extant Yuan Qu 曲
作者 李惠綿
頁次 005-065
關鍵字 中原音韻異讀特殊音讀字形類化音變方言俗字Zhongyuan Yinyun 中原音韻heteronymspecial pronunciationphonetic change by character patternsvernacular pronunciationTHCI
出刊日期 201512




Zhou Deqing 周德清 (1277-1365) was the author of “Zhongyuan Yinyun” 中原音韻, a rhyme book containing 5866 characters in total classified into nineteen rhyming groups (yunpu 韻譜) and listing twentyseven rules and principles of composition called “Zhengyu Zuoci Qili 正 語作詞起例” (abbreviated as qili 起例). In yunpu, thirteen heteronym examples (yidu 異讀) were annotated and often neglected by current scholars. In addition, several cases in qili demonstrated different pronunciations from mid-ancient Chinese rhyme books “Guangyun 廣韻” and “Jiyun 集 韻” as well as other rhyme books. Therefore, these cases were categorized as special pronunciation (teshu yindu 特殊音讀). This article mainly discusses heteronym (yidu) and special pronunciation (teshu yindu) based on yunpu and qili. There were four types of pronunciations in qili― (1) heteronym, (2) current pronunciation transformed from ancient pronunciation, (3) phonetic change by character patterns, and (4) vernacular pronunciation. All types can be verified in yunpu. In fact, a considerable proportion of pronunciation in yunpu was inherited from the ancient pronunciation recorded in “Guangyun” or “Jiyun”. However, Zhou attempted to emphasize that some heteronym and special pronunciations different from those in “Guangyun” were popularly used in Central Plains during Yuan Dynasty. His “Zhongyuan Yinyun” aimed to highlight the difference of tones, rhythms and lyrics for singing and reciting of the northern Yuanqu 元曲 from southern dramas (xiwen 戲文). This articlenot only relates the pronunciation of yunpu to the northern Yuan drama, but also is based on the current evidences from northern Yuan drama. It is expected to promote an alternative understanding of the studies of qili, yunpu, and Yuanqu.
