
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 心理諮商的宗教/靈性處遇培訓課程之成果評估
卷期 44
並列篇名 Teaching a Course on Integrating Religion/Spirituality into Counseling
作者 詹杏如陳秉華范嵐欣范馨云
頁次 001-035
關鍵字 心理諮商的宗教/靈性處遇培訓課程成果評估course on integrating religion/spirituality into counselingoutcome evaluationTSSCI
出刊日期 201512


本研究的目的為對諮商心理人員設計一個融入宗教/靈性於諮商的課程,並了解參與學員對此課程 的收穫與反應。共有22 名諮商心理人員及諮商心理所研究生參與本課程,其中2 名為男性,20 名 為女性。本課程目標有四:(1)協助諮商心理人員對信仰與靈性的自我探索與覺察;(2)提升諮商 心理人員對在諮商中的宗教信仰與靈性議題的敏感度、了解與接納;(3)增加諮商心理人員對台灣 社會文化的多樣化宗教與靈性行為的認識;(4)提升諮商心理人員對不同宗教信仰案主的靈性評估 與介入處理的實務能力。根據課程目標設計十個主題,每個主題三小時,全部課程共計30 小時。學 員的反應資料來自於課程中期與末期共八個焦點團體對學員的訪談,訪談資料依據主題分析法進行 分析。研究結果顯示課程對學員的收穫與改變包括:獲得宗教/靈性與融入宗教/靈性之諮商的新 知識、宗教/靈性自我覺察及其專業反思、對宗教/靈性的態度轉變、實務工作融入宗教/靈性考 量的改變、對宗教/靈性與融入宗教/靈性之諮商的新領悟與引發新思考;研究結果也發現學員之 參與經驗、收穫來源、對課程之回饋與建議。文末提出討論與建議作為對未來相似課程設計的參考。


The purpose of this study was to introduce a course integrating religion/spirituality into counseling and to explore the feedbacks of the participants. A total of 22 counseling psychologists and counselor trainees with diverse religious/spiritual backgrounds participated into the study. The course included four goals which were to enhance counselor’s spiritual self-exploration and self-awareness, to enhance the sensitivity and understanding toward clients’ religious and spiritual issues, to increase knowledge on the multi- religions and spirituality in Taiwan, and to enhance the competencies of spiritual assessment and intervention. In order to reach the goals, 10 themes in 30 hours were included into the course. To explore the reactions of the participants towards the course, eight focused groups were conducted in the middle and toward the end of the course. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results showed that the participants benefited from the course. They gained new knowledge about religion and spirituality, increased spiritual awareness and reflections, developed positive attitudes toward religion and spirituality, considered to integrate religion/spirituality into practical works, and gained new insights and new thoughts to integrate spirituality and spiritual into counseling. Results also showed the participants’ experiences, the source of benefits, the participants’ feedbacks and suggestions toward the course. Recommendations for future course design and research were proposed in the end.
