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篇名 尋找作者與詩性書寫
卷期 42:11=498
並列篇名 Poetic Writing in Search of an Author
作者 劉千美
頁次 139-158
關鍵字 尋找作者作者死亡與回返皮蘭德樓詩人渡也“Zuozhe” The Death of an AuthorLuigi PirandelloDu YeA&HCI
出刊日期 201511


本文以〈尋找作者與詩性書寫〉為題,從臺灣詩人渡也的詩作 〈尋人啟事〉談起,探討「作者」概念在全球化語境下的多重含義。首先,以皮蘭德樓(Luigi Pirandello, 1867-1936)、布朗肖(Maurice Blanchot, 1907-2003)和傅柯(Michel Foucault, 1926-1984)的相關論著為據,簡要探討西方當代作家對於近代文化以個人主體為重的「作者」概念之美學問題的不同層面的反思。其次,指出雖然當代中文以「作者」一詞翻譯author, authorship,但古典東方文化語境下的「作者」含義與西方近代著重社會、法律之意識形態的author, authorship的概念並不相同。第三,從普世性美學的「作者」觀點,閱讀臺灣詩人渡也「尋找作者」的詩意寫作的含義。除了涉及臺灣作家的作者身份認同的問題,也涉及臺灣作者書寫的普世美學的面向。


This article aims to explore the multiple meanings of the term “author” in the context of global-localization, through an aesthetic reading of a Poem, “Missing Person Poster,” by Du Ye, a native poet from Taiwan. Firstly, it will do a brief retrospective reflection on the changing phases of this concept in Western culture, through a critical reading of Luigi Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of An Author, Maurice Blanchot‘s Michel Foucault’s “Qu'est -ce qu'un auteur ?” Secondly, it will point out the different understanding of the term “author/authorship” translated as “zuozhe” in Chinese language and literature. The concept of “zuozhe” in Chinese culture never refers simply to the author as an isolated individual self, but reflects a profound relationship among the authors in tradition. The third, this article will re-read the aesthetic function of “author” as a creative agency in Du Ye’s poems in the context of literary universality, to discuss the problematic of author’s identity in Taiwan, as well as the issues of local writing in the context of World literature.
