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篇名 中醫治療良性攝護腺增生之病例報告
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 A Case Report of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia with Chinese Medicine Treatment
作者 王志豪羅煥奎賴英秀
頁次 031-039
關鍵字 良性攝護腺增生濟生腎氣丸桑螵蛸散中醫Benign prostatic hyperplasiaJi Sheng Shen Qi WanSang Piao Xiao SanChinese Medicine
出刊日期 201508


一位65 歲男性患者因患有良性攝護腺增生,導致近三個月頻尿、排尿不清、解尿 費意與夜尿,服用西藥後症狀仍未改善,故尋求中醫治療。經辨證屬腎氣虛、腎陽虛導 致膀胱氣化不利,用濟生腎氣丸合桑螵蛸散以補腎助陽、通利小便為主要處方,服藥2 個月後症狀獲得改善,藉此病例報告以提出治療經驗,供臨床上參考和運用。


A 65-year-old male had urinary frequency, incomplete emptying, straining and nocturia in recent three months due to benign prostatic hyperplasia. He took western medicine but the symptoms still persisted, so he went to our Chinese Medicine OPD for help. Identifying the disease pattern was kidney qi and yang vacuity induced in dysfunction of bladder, we used Ji Sheng Shen Qi Wan and Sang Piao Xiao San as the main prescriptions to supple kidney qi and yang for promoting urination. After two months treatment, the symptoms got great improvement. We demonstrated the experience in this case report for clinical reference and application.
