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篇名 從「全面禁絕」到「文創產業」: 台灣電玩政策論述之變遷
卷期 14
並列篇名 From “prohibition” to “creative industry”: The transformation of Taiwanese video game policies
作者 林應嘉
頁次 042-082
關鍵字 文化創意產業政策批判論述分析電玩數位遊戲critical discourse analysiscultural and creative industrydigital gamespolicyvideo game
出刊日期 201511


2002年政府所訂定的《挑戰2008-國家發展重點計畫》,標示了電玩政 策的轉向:從管制管理傾向於支持鼓勵。本文試圖透過批判論述分析取徑, 瞭解新電玩政策論述建構之來源、過程與意義,以進一步探索當前跨國政 策概念流動下,本國政策建制所面臨的議題,和其中的權力形構。本文根 據學者Wodak所提出的論述-歷史分析架構,對相關政策論述及新聞文本 進行文本(合法化)和互文性分析。政策的主要論述為來自國際的政策概 念,被政策制訂者挪用(再脈絡化)於國家發展政策中,成為數位遊戲政 策的合法化來源,間接影響了「電玩」的政策和代表意涵。


This paper explores the process of constructing policy discourse in the context of policy globalization through a discursive-historical analysis of Taiwan’s digital game policies issued between 2002 and 2009. These new policies show a significant attitude change of Taiwanese government towards digital gaming 一from prohibition, regulation to support and encouragement. Drawing on the framework of discourse-historical analysis (Wodak, 2001) and legitimation analysis (van Leeuwen, 2008), the analysis is tri-leveled: textual, intertextual and historic-contextual. The analysis results in three major findings: 1.The policymakers used several legitimation methods to construct a new discourse about digital games to bridge the gap between new and old policies. 2. The print media adapted the governmental policy discourse quickly and helped to construct the new policy discourse. 3. The transformation of digital game policy discourse is under the influence of global diffusion of “creative industry” and “knowledge economy” as the master discourse in respond to the economic and political crisis emerged with globalization and regional competitiveness.
