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篇名 模糊理論在不寧適設施區位問題之應用 一以軍事設施(彈藥庫)爲例
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 An Application of Fuzzy Thory To Undesirable Facilities Location Problem —A Case in Military Facility (ammunition depot) 一
作者 藍筱蘋陳進誠
頁次 047-061
關鍵字 模糊集合理論不寧適設施區位理論直角式距離fuzzy set theoryundesirable facilitylocation theoryrectilinear distance
出刊日期 199601


在本文中,提出一種選定不寧適設施區位之演算法。此演算法乃包含兩個階段,第一階段爲(候 選區位之形成),是引用Brimberg-Mehrez(BM)所提出求解Maximin多重不寧適設施區位問題,且有 距離限制之分枝界限(A branch and bound)演算法(1994)[2]爲構想,另外參考Drezner和Wesolowsky (DW)之演算法(1983)[5]及Mehrez等人(MSS)所發表的提昇(DW)演算法來求解maximin單一設施 直角式問題(1986)[10]之方法,來求得一組候選設施區位方案。第二階段是(最適位置之選定),係 基於模糊集合理論與層級結構分析的概念,整合決策者對準則權重的語意評估値與候選設施區位在各 評估準則下的適合度,以獲得各候選設施方案的模糊適合度指標。最後經由模糊適合度指標的排序, 求得最適當的不寧適設施區位供決策參考。


In this paper, an undesirable facility site selection algorithm is proposed. The algorithm contain two stages. The first stage (site-generation) borrows ideas from the branch and bound algorithm presented by Brimberg-Mehrez, to solve the maxmin multiple facilities location problem with distance constraints. Besides that, refers to Drezner-Wesolowsky algorithm and the improvements suggested by Mehrez, Sinuany-Stren and Stulman, to solve the single facility maximin rectilinear problem. The second stage (site-selection) bases on the concepts of fuzzy set theory and the hierarchical structure analysis to aggregate decision-makers, linguistic assessments about criteria weightings and the suitability of facility sites versus various selection to obtain fuzzy suitability indices. Thus we are able to rank the suitability ratings to determine the best undesirable facility site selection.
