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篇名 兵役代替制度可能性之初探
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 A Research on The Possibility of Substitute Service
作者 許修豪
頁次 082-107
關鍵字 兵役兵役替代役社會役servicemilitary servicealternative servicesubstitute servicecivilian service
出刊日期 199607




In the recent half year, with the disclosure of several unfortunate accidents in the armed forces, the subject of military service aroused concerns in public opinion again. We think that it is necessary for the military service system, which has been put into practice for so many years, to be reevaluated now. Is joining the military service the inevitable, compulsory obligation for citizens? The answer to the question should be rethought in the society of a multiplicity of ideas. Because the question involv es with the arrangement of the whole system, we should not confine ourselves in explaining the statutes to a limited extent on the subject. Therefore, in this essay, we are trying to discuss the subject from the very beginning, the rights and obligations of citizens in the constitutional state. After finding out the elementary value and reviewing the deficiencies of military service, we talk about whether it is possible to carry out the substitute service in our country, the kind of service that has been put into practice in many European countries for so many years.
