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篇名 引人錯誤廣告因素關係之研究-以公平交易委員會之處分案為例
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 The Associations among Factors of Misleading Advertisement: A Study on FTC's Precedents
作者 蘇哲仁黃營杉
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 引人錯誤廣告支配結構内容分析對數線性模型Misleading AdvertisementGovernance StructureContent Analysis
出刊日期 199911


本研究採用内容分析法與對數線性模型,針對公平會自民國八十五年至八十六年内 關於引人錯誤廣告行為的處分進行分析及探討,以理解這段期間内引人錯誤廣告行為之 產業特質、支配結構類型與行政調查程序發起者三方面間的關係。研究發現如下:1.對 數線性模型可以適切地分析本研究類目變項間的關係;2.第二階層效果中部份類目間存 有明顯的趨同。本研究並提出研究限制與後續研究建議。


The content analysis and log-linear model applied in the study focus on an analysis and discussion of misleading advertisement precedents declared by FTC to understand the associations among industry characteristics, governance structures and the initiators of judicatory procedure during the period from 1996 to 1997. The results of the research show the followings: 1. Log-linear model proves to be adequate for analyzing the associations among categorical variables in this research; 2. Good fit is found between some categories of second-order effect. Unfortunately, this study runs into some unavoidable research limitations due to sampling process, These limitations are discussed, suggestions for further research are also proposed.
