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篇名 臺灣當代中國哲學研究之趨勢分析
卷期 43:1=500
並列篇名 An Analysis on the Trend of the Studies of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy in Taiwan
作者 黃信二
頁次 165-180
關鍵字 中國哲學發展趨勢儒家發展趨勢道家發展趨勢《哲學與文化》Developmental Trend of Chinese PhilosophyDevelopmental Trend of ConfucianismDevelopmental Trend of TaoismUNIVERSITASA&HCI
出刊日期 201601




Based on UNIVERSITAS and its predecessors, we trace the articles that have been published in Taiwan ever since 1961 on Chinese philosophy and inquire their themes and focuses, trying to sketch out the developmental trend of the studies of Chinese philosophy in Taiwan. Based on more than seven thousand entries, we sort out more than two hundred and twenties key words form the titles of these articles and induce seven themes, which are dynastic histories, books, schools, the key concepts of the schools, philosophers, the past and future of Chinese philosophy and the critiques about social and cultural issues. Finally, we reflect on the reasons why these statistic results differ from the opinions of the traditional historians of philosophy, examine whether it is due to the shortage in statistic data or other factors, and inquire about the causes of these factors.
