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篇名 從失業現況探討我國公共職業訓練及就業輔導制度改進之研究
卷期 25:1
並列篇名 To Explore Unemployment Problems of the Public Vocational Training And Employment Services in R.O.C.
作者 謝淑敏
頁次 021-052
關鍵字 人力資源公共職業訓練就業輔導制度失業失業率勞動力參與率Human ResourcePublic Vocational TrainingEmployment Service UnemploymentUnemployment RateLabor Force Participation Rate
出刊日期 200405


近年來我國失業問題日趨嚴重,且成為社會各界關注的公共議題,政府亦積極推動 各種政策措施以緩和高失業率對社會所造成的負面影響,依據行政院主計處統計發布 2003年8月最新社會指標失業率高達5.21%,失業率仍在攀升中。政府採取擴大公共職 業訓練及健全就業輔導制度,藉以降低失業人口,惟該等政策措施是否能奏效,有待我 們進一步瞭解失業人口及再就業的情況,才能據以評估其可能效果。本研究旨在探討我 國公共職業訓練與就業輔導的相關問題,作為政府推動政策的參考,研究之具體目的包 括:一、調查我國辦理公共職業訓練及就業輔導的實施現況。二、探討我國辦理公共職 業訓練及就業輔導所遭遇之問題。最後提出我國擴大辦理公共職業訓練及就業輔導之相關建議。


Taiwan economy is heading into the doldrums. Government programs have been executed to moderate the negative impact of the high unemployment rate as the unemployment problem has become the focus of the public issues. According to the Directorate General of Budget Accounting and Statistics Executive Yuan for Manpower Survey Results in August 2003, the unemployment rate to 5.21%. The unemployment rate is rapidly increased. In order to decrease the unemployment rate, the government must establish main core, which are the public vocational training and employment service. We focus on the entire employment for deeper discussion in which we will provide the alternative and recommendation in order to reduce the unemployment rate. The purpose of this study is to analyze the related problems of public vocational training and employment service to offer reference materials of policies for the government. The main goals of the study were following: First, investigating the existing conditions of public vocational training and employment service in R.O.C. Second, exploring the problems of public vocational training and employment service had ever met with in R.O.C. Third, providing the related suggestions of public vocational training and employment service in R.O.C.v
