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篇名 國軍人力資源專業人員職能模型與工作績效關聯性研究
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 The Relationship Between the Competency Model and the Performance of the Human Resource Professionals
作者 廖良文盧建中費吳琛
頁次 015-032
關鍵字 職能多重評估者(360度)回饋人力資源專業人員Competency Model360 Degree FeedbackHuman Resource Professionals
出刊日期 200611


本研究主要以探索性方式針對國軍組織人力資源專業人員,進行職能模式之建立, 研究中採用立意抽樣方法選取樣本,並使用「360度回饋法」發放問卷以蒐集職能項目 及個人工作績效資料。 研究中以探索性因素分析法萃取出人力資源主管應具備之「團隊引導」、「策略性 人力資源專業知識」、「穩健領導特質」及「影響力管理」等四個職能構面;另萃取出 人力資源幕僚所應具備之「功能性人力資源專業知識與技巧」、「自我發展」、「工作 動力與公正」及「敏感度與人祭能力」等四個職能構面。 此外,研究中亦應用多元迴歸分析方法對職能構面與工作績效之關係進行實證,结 果發現,人力資源主管及幕僚之各職能構面對其工作績效均具有良好的解釋力。本研究 並依據研究結果提出建議,以作為管理實務及後續研究的參考。


This study focuses on exploring the Competency Model for human resource professionals in military organizations. Employing a purposive sampling technique and the 360 degree feedback method to distribute questionnaires to all respondents in military organizations, this study collects data with regard to the competency items and individual performance. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is employed to extract four dimensions of competency for the supervisors and staffs in the departments of human resource management, respectively. For supervisors, dimensions of competency are “team facilitation”,“knowledge of strategic human resource management>,, "steady traits of leaderships, and tlimpact management,^ As to staffs, four dimensions are “knowledge and skills of human resource management”,“self-de-velopment”,“work motivation and personal justice ’,and ''sensitivity and interpersonal skill 5. In addition, this study adopts the technique of multiple regression to test the relationships between these dimensions of competency and job performance. The results indicate that these competency dimensions both for supervisors and staffs provides a good explanation in predicting an individual's job performance. Based on the findings of this study, implications and recommendations are provided for managerial practices and future research.
