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篇名 轉換型領導、交易型領導、組織自尊與工作滿足及組織承諾關聯性之研究一信任的中介效果
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 The Study on The Relationships Among The Transformational, Transactional Leadership, OBSE and The Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment: The Mediate Effect of Trust
作者 廖國鋒王湧水戴坤輝
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 轉換型領導交易型領導信任組織自尊TransformationTransactionTrustOrganization based self-esteem
出刊日期 200411


本研究主要是以部屬的認知角度來端視領導者的作風,經由部屬本身對上 司與對組織的信任程度,探討轉換型和交易型領導、工作滿足和組織承諾之間 的關聯性,以及部屬個人所自覺之組織自尊程度的高低對信任的影響,來填補 過去研究不足之處。在436份有效回收問卷,及以LISREL路徑模式分析驗證果顯 示,轉換型及交易型領導對信任有顯著影響;且分別在工作滿足與組織承諾上 的影響也成顯著;另信任則在轉換型、交易型領導對工作滿足的影響間,扮演 中介的角色,至於組織自尊對於轉換型、交易型領導對信任的干擾效果則不明顯 。最後,本研究根據研究結果提出一些建議,以供管理實務及後續研究的參考。


This research attempt to explore the relationships among transformational leadership , transactional leadership , job satisfaction and organizational commitment in term of the employees’ trust for their supervisor and organization. Furthermore the research also try to identify the trust through the magnitude of employees’ OBSE (organization based self-esteem) and trust which affect. Through retrieved 436 samples by the method of sampling survey, we examine the assumptions with the LISREL path-model analysis. The results support that transactional and transactional leadership have both significant effect on trust; also, separately significant effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The trust is showed mediate effect between transformational, transactional leadership and job satisfaction. The moderate effect of OBSE is not significant. Finally, we make some suggestions for the practice and further study.
