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篇名 雷達系統支援度作戰測試評估之模糊多屬性決策模式
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 A Fuzzy MADM Model of Operational Test & Evaluation in Supportability of Radar Systems
作者 劉家熙謝立德蘇祖欽
頁次 083-102
關鍵字 支援度作戰測試評估模糊多屬性決策德爾菲法模糊德爾菲法SupportabilityOperational test & evaluationFuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision MakingDelphi MethodFuzzy Delphi Method
出刊日期 200411


武器系統測試評估的目的旨在確認武器系統於眞實作戰環境下,能確實符合實際 作戰需求,並將其測試結果提供決策層級,做爲下達量產決心及部署運用之參考。「 支援度」代表武器系統之可支援性及其「支援系統」的效能,但是由於支援要項繁多, 影響因素複雜,過去缺乏有效且爲軍種及研發單位共同認可的評定標準。本研究之目 的在發展雷達系統支援度作戰測試評估之模糊多屬性決策模式。我們首先建立雷達系 統支援度的層級架構,並透過專家訪談、德爾菲法、問卷調查及模糊德爾菲法,決定 具體的評估準則與相關權重。再分別向參與評估人員發出問卷,運用模糊多屬性決策 方法,將各軍種及研發單位對支援度主觀及模糊之評估意見,轉換成一综合評估指標 値。本研究針對研發單位與三軍對支援要項與子項目重要性排序做比較分析,發現由 於三軍運作的特性不同,所重視的支援要項與子項目亦大不相同;而且各軍種都強調 支援要項的可利用性及可獲得性,與研製單位偏重支援要項的功能分析在特性上有相 當差異,其結果可提供研發單位發展支援要項產品時,適度修正發展重點以更貼近各 軍種的需求。


The purpose of weapon system test and evaluation is to make sure that under real battling situation, it may actually meet the operational requirements and provides the evaluation results to the decision makers for making up their mind to put it in mass production and actual deployment. Supportability stands for the supported level of the weapon system and the effectiveness of its related supplying system. Because there are so many supporting elements and other complicated factors which can affect the supportability of weapon system, an effective and widely accepted evaluation standard was rarely developed and approved by both of the armed service users and researchers in the past. The purpose of this study is to develop a Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making model of operational test & evaluation in supportability of radar systems during the process of acquisition. We first set up the hierarchy structure of supportability of radar system, and through interview with experts, Delphi method, questionnaire survey and fuzzy Delphi method, decide concrete evaluation criteria and related weightings. Next, questionnaire was issued to the evaluation team. According to the results of questionnaire, we applied fuzzy multiple attribute decision making method to transfer the subjective and vague opinions from the different groups into the final synthetic performance index. Due to different characteristics of operations, we found that there exists significant different preference of criteria weighting between armed forces. Besides, all of armed forces emphasized on the utilization and acquisition of the major support elements. On the contrast, the research and manufacturing institutes focused on functional analysis characters of those elements. The results can be provided for the R&D institutes to make appropriate modification on the84ir policies which can further meet the supportability requirements of different armed services when developing a new system.
