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篇名 國軍彈藥管理系統之安全管理文化
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 The Safety Culture in the Military Munitions Management System
作者 吳美連蔡俊超莊文隆
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 彈藥管理安全管理安全文化
出刊日期 200805


本研究探討國軍彈藥管理系統之安全管理文化,嘗試瞭解影響安全管理之相關因 素,期將「安全文化」建構於國軍組織或團隊中,以提昇國軍彈藥安全管理的效能。首 先,透過文獻分析及人員訪談得出影響安全管理的相關因素,其次,針對現職從事軍事 彈藥教學、督導、管理等相關人員進行問卷調查,以瞭解影響彈藥安全管理各因素的重 要性。問卷調查之結果顯示,在人爲、機具設施、及彈藥三大層面十二項衡量構面中, 前五項重要排序爲:設備老舊未更新、人員訓練不足、彈藥儲存使用壽期過久、彈藥安 全性、及場地設施不完善,最後,應用Spearman等級相關係數,分析專家及一般受測 人員在排序上的差異及不同職務、軍階、任職時間在排序上的差異,結果顯示皆無顯著 差異,即彈藥管理專家及相關人員在安全管理因素的重要性認知上,頗爲一致。根據分 析結果,本研究針對人爲、機具設施、及彈藥三大層面,對國軍相關業管單位提出政策 面與制度面之策略建議。


This work studied the safety culture in the military munitions management system and attempted to develop the munitions safety management model. First, this study developed a framework of munitions management and its related factors via combining methods of literature research and in-depth interviews. Second, this work surveyed 246 military personnel who were in charge of munitions operations for their importance perceptions of the safety factors. Results revealed three critical safety factors (human, mechanical equipment, and munitions) and twelve sub-factors. Among the twelve sub-factors, the top five were obsolete equipments, insufficient personnel training, overdue munitions storage, munitions safety, and inadequate locations. The factor-importance ranking by the 246 surveyed personnel was consistent with the ranking by the 30 personnel who went through in-depth interview in the initial stage of this research. In other words, military personnel hold consistent view about the safety factors developed by this study. Based on the research results, the present study provided strategic suggestions which have both policy and system implications, from the perspectives of human factors, mechanical equipment, and the munitions.
