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篇名 第二次美伊戰爭情報決策「象限理論」個案分析
卷期 30:1
並列篇名 Intelligence-Decision in the Second Gulf War: An Analysis of the Theory of Quadrangular.
作者 紀光陽
頁次 075-102
關鍵字 情報信息認知決策象限理論決策方程式美伊戰爭IntelligenceInformationCognitionDecisionTheory of QuadangularEquation of DecisionSecond Gulf War
出刊日期 200905


「情報」與「決策」存在著高度的密切關係,「情報」正確而及時則相對提高 「決策」的正確性;反之,則降低「決策」的正確性。但同一個「情報」對不同的個 人而言,會產出不同的「決策」結果,此即是「決策」不僅與「情報」有關,亦與個 人的「認知」條件有著密切的關係。因此,本文透過情報決策「象限理論」、「決策 方程式」的建構,企圖系統性地解釋「情報」條件與決策者「認知」之間的複雜關 係,並藉由第二次美伊戰爭的決策過程作爲例證,説明導致決策錯誤的重要因素。文 中指出,一個專業且中立的情報機關,除了要提升情報信息的客觀性外,更要避免、 改變決策者先入爲主的錯誤認知。經由本文所提出的「象限理論」、「決策方程 式」,將有助於暸解並加速決策產出的質量與效能,進而有利於優質決策的產出。


The relation between intelligence and decision-making are closable, the correct and on time intelligence will make a good policy; On the contrary, the wrong and slow intelligence will make a bad policy. But the same intelligence for different individuals will make different decision output. This means that decision output have the relations to intelligence and personal cognition. For this reason, this article constructs The Quadrangular Theory of Intelligence-Decision that attempt to explain the complicated relation between intelligence and personal cognition and illustrates with the decision-making process from the Second Gulf War, to state the important factor from that with wrong decision. This article also point out an important concept that the professional and intelligence agencies have to not only improve the objectively intelligence but also avoid policymaker's previous wrong cognition. The Quadrangular Theory of Intelligence-Decision will help to understand and accelerate the quality and efficaciously decision output and output the high-quality decision.
