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篇名 互動性裝置藝術對幼保系學生壓力情緒療癒影響之案例探究
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Case Study on the Effects of Interactive Installation Art in Healing Emotional Stress for Educare College Students
作者 陳麗媜李依儒陳麗安盧奕帆鍾羽芃
頁次 061-085
關鍵字 互動性裝置藝術幼保系學生壓力情緒療癒藝術教育治療Interactive Installation ArtEducare College StudentsHealing of Stressed EmotionArt Education Therapy
出刊日期 201509


現今大學生因面臨各種壓力而經常產生憂鬱的情緒。適當的壓力紓解及良好的情緒管理, 對未來幼保系學生任職於幼兒教保職場將具有深遠的影響。藝術具有釋放壓力的作用,本研究先探究藝術育療及互動性裝置藝術的學理,再以此為基礎,於北部某大學幼保系館設置「藍色 之夢-Alice奇幻夢境」互動性裝置藝術,冀能對學生壓力情緒的療癒產生影響。研究共邀集 53位學生進行問卷訪談,並採質量兼具的方法分析結果。研究得知,目的性和整體性是藝術 佈展的關鍵要素,此次互動性裝置藝術展覽不僅受到學生的喜愛,對其情緒轉變與壓力抒發 產生了正向的影響,同時營造出系館空間的藝術氛圍,並促進研究者從藝術佈展中學習到調適壓力的方式,並不斷地經驗問題解決的歷程。


Today, many college students tend to have blue emotions because they are faced with various stresses. Proper stress releasing channels and good emotion management have far-reaching influence on future employment of educare college students in early childhood education job market. Art has the effect of releasing stressed emotions. This study first explored the theoretical concepts of art education therapy and interactive installation art. Then based on these concepts, an interactive installation art- “Blue Dream-Alice in Wonderland” was set up on a public space in the building of the Department of Child Care and Education of a university in northern Taiwan, which is familiar to the students of the Department, hoping to exercise influence over healing of stressed emotions for the students. In the study, 53 students were invited to receive questionnaire interviews. A qualitative and quantitative analysis method was used to produce study results. The results show that purposiveness and integrity are the key factors of art exhibition layout. The interactive installation artwork has not only received favorable feedback from the students, but also made a positive impact on students’ stressed emotions. In addition, it has successfully created an artistic atmosphere on the public space of the Department and provided the researcher with an opportunity to constantly learn the way of stress adaptation and experience the problem solving process during art exhibition layout.
