
中正漢學研究 THCI

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篇名 論連橫「地方」書寫中的兩種方式與寓意:以〈臺灣史跡志〉、〈臺南古蹟志〉為觀察核心
卷期 26
並列篇名 A Discussion of Lian Heng’s of Two Methods Writing “Place” and Allegory: Considering of A Record of the Vestiges of Taiwan History and A Record of Tainan’s Historical Sites
作者 江寶釵
頁次 129-159
關鍵字 日治時期連橫臺灣史跡臺南古蹟水經注洛陽伽藍記Period of Japanese ruleLian HengHistorica l vestiges of TaiwanTainan historical sitesCommentary on the Classic of WatersBuddhist Buildings of LuoyangTHCI
出刊日期 201512


本文以「地方」觀察連橫〈臺灣史跡志〉和〈臺南古蹟志〉書寫的兩種方式,探析其 寓意。二志的地景敘事無論從創作緣起、修辭技巧、內蘊意識等各方面,皆可以溯源至《水 經注》與《洛陽伽藍記》。他取法前人身歷其境或診視山水的書寫技藝,載錄臺灣史跡、 臺南古蹟,其書寫蘊含怎樣的動機?此一敘事背後隱含著怎樣的地景自身或時代特殊背景 而產生的意義?就人文地理學的角度觀之,在社會/地理的基礎上,事物自有其特殊秩序, 在人的生活中形成記憶,並銘刻意義,此即地方感。惟,環境變遷造成地方的「流動性」 ──當史跡、古蹟隨著時間、市區改正或其他都市新地景的興起而圯壞之時,人的記憶以 及因之產生的事物之意義,也將隨之而日漸消亡,地方感亦為之改變。則連橫此二志的書 寫正是Tim Cresswell 所說的「地方再現」,重建日常生活在一個「地方」的實踐,緣著書 寫之再現,「地方」在消失的記憶中得以被留住。而如何使得臺灣/臺南地景經典化,化 入文人雅士創作的筆墨,進一步促使他去追求地景的歷史書寫,最後則依皈於祖國的「文 化大傳統」。


This paper observes why and how Lian Heng wrote A Record of the Vestiges of Taiwan History and A Record of Tainan’s Historical Sites in two different ways. First, I point out that in terms of rhetoric, narrative, and inner consciousness, these works are imitative of two Chinese classics, Commentary on the Classic of Waters and Buddhist Buildings in Luoyang. Lian Heng models himself on the composition techniques employed by the earlier writers in describing their visits to the actual locations, or in their appreciation of landscapes in order to document Taiwan’s historical relics and the historical sites of Tainan. What kind of motive is embodied in his writing? What is concealed behind the narration that produces the meaning of the locations themselves, or the temporal peculiarities of their background? From the perspective of human geography, based on society and geography, things have their own unique order, and these take shape as memories in our lives, thereby enscribing their meaning. This is sense of place. However, changes in the environment create a “dynamism” of a place. Over time, as civic planning, or the appearance of new urban landscapes destroys historical sites, memories gradually disappear, and the meaning of place dependent upon them also changes. Thus, Lian heng’s two records are exactly the kind of “re-presentation of place” described by Tim Cresswell. In practice, these records rebuild the everyday life of places, and through the representation of writing, lost memories of ‘place’ are preserved. Furthermore, in order to canonize the landscapes of Taiwan, or Tainan so that they might be noted in the writings of élite literati and eventually become part of the history of landscape writing, it was necessary to make reference to the Great Tradition of Chinese culture.
