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篇名 從長沙地區戰國早、中期帶鎮墓獸楚墓看葬俗的傳播與轉換
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 The Transformation of the Meaning of Burial Custom: An Observation of Tombs with Tomb Guardian Figures in Changsha during the Early and the Middle Warring States Period
作者 王詩涵
頁次 089-117
關鍵字 長沙楚墓鎮墓獸懸底弧形棺江陵葬俗Changsha Chu State Tombstomb guardian figurecurve-wall coffinJianglingburial custom
出刊日期 201506




Tomb guardian figures are one of the characteristic marks of tombs in Chu area. The mark also has regional differences. In Jiangling, Hubei, 28% tombs of Yutaishan cemetery and 11% tombs of Jiudian cemetery had tomb guardian figures. However, in Changsha, Hunan, less than 1% tombs contained tomb guardian figures. In this article, I analyze tombs with tomb guardian figures in Changsha, discovering that during the early and the middle Warring States period, tombs with tomb guardian figures in Changsha used a special kind of coffins only appeared in Jiangling and vessels with different regional styles. Also, these tombs had higher ranking than tombs in Jiangling. These phenomena indicate that after tomb guardian figures spread to Changsha from Jiangling, its original religious meaning was dismissed. Having tomb guardian figures become a display of the close relationship between tomb occupants and Jiangling area.
