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篇名 Global Governance and National Governance: How Mutually Exclusive?
卷期 15:1
作者 Kalu N. Kalu
頁次 001-027
關鍵字 global governancenational governanceglobalization
出刊日期 200512



While the world is far away from a perfect integration of markets, services, and factors of production; many are unsure as to what globalization means and what it would lead to many years from now. In the sense that ‘globalization’ transcends the evolution of a liberal economic orthodoxy as well as variants of international connectedness, how can such a fluid process replace the more stable and institutionalized nation-state? While this operational ambiguity may be due to the conventional analyses of globalization as an end state--a supposition that seeks to refer it as a state of affairs,--the assumption fails because the relationship between globalization as a process and the nation-state as a sovereign is antithetical. To be able to govern under globalization, we must first understand what it means, its many problems (including transnational immigration, potentially dramatic changes in citizenship and identity), as well as the political efficacy of integrating disparate national goals with the collective goal of the international community. And there is also the crucial problem of decision-making: who decides how we govern and under what conditions?
