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篇名 基於影像處理之電磁閥表面缺陷檢測
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Surface Defect Inspection of an Electromagnetic Valve base on Image Processing
作者 何昭慶陳柏岐郭子鑫
頁次 001-006
關鍵字 機器視覺光源系統瑕疵檢測表面瑕疵分類傅立葉轉換影像形態學machine visionlighting systemdefect inspectionsurface defect classificationFourier transformimage morphology
出刊日期 201601




A machine vision based solenoid valve defects inspection system was proposed in this work. This system is based on capturing images according to the different defects in the specimens, as well as inspection defects and frequency domains by using a CCD camera along with a machine vision algorithm and design a lighting system. The inspection method first used an erosion and dilation algorithms of image morphology in the spatial domain. Mathematical logic operation was employed to retain the features of the image obtained by different algorithms. Although morphological image detection methods can quickly inspection defect contours, they have difficulty to inspect directional features i.e., thin scratches on specimen surfaces. Therefore, Fourier transform was applied to convert images from two-dimensional spatial domains as the frequency domain to inspect the defects that could not be inspected by the morphological method in the spatial domain. In the frequency domain, standard deviation was used. It was proven that the region where included more surface features the magnitude distribution in the Fourier spectrum was more unstable. Thus, binary image processing was applied to preserve the regions with higher magnitude values in the Fourier spectral, and use inverse Fourier transformation to convert back to the spatial domain from the frequency domain. Based on the converted area of the spatial domain, specimen surfaces from scratch defects and roughness defects could be classified. Using a lighting system combined with blue and white LED bar light to inspect a Solenoid valve in the both the spatial domain and frequency domain.
