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篇名 原罪融入於演化論
卷期 43:2=501
並列篇名 An Evolutionary Adaptation of Original Sin
作者 司馬忠
頁次 107-125
關鍵字 原罪天主教教理演化論亞當和厄娃原始的自私Original SinCatechismEvolutionAdam and EveOriginal SelfishnessA&HCI
出刊日期 201602




Original sin is one of the major doctrines of Catholic Church which cannot be reconciled with evolution, because it requires that Adam and Eve to be historical people. In their pursuit to reconcile original sin with evolution, a few have attempted to establish the appearance of Adam and Eve in evolutionary history, while others have suggested that original sin need to be seen as selfishness that is part of evolution. The Catechism describes original sin as the state of human nature that is deprived of original holiness, due to disobedience of Adam and Eve. This paper argues that the doctrine of original sin does not necessarily require the historicity of Adam and Eve but requires an event of “fall” from original holiness due to free decision of early humans. If one considers original holiness not as a state without suffering and death, but as a state of right relationship with God, which the early humans lost by their free choices; such a “fall” from holiness can be accounted for in evolutionary perspective.
