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篇名 A Comparative Study of the Meanings of Numbers in English and Chinese Cultures
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 數字意涵在中、英文化中的比較
作者 于惠之
頁次 020-043
關鍵字 numbermythologysuperstitionsymbolismreligion數字神話迷信象徵宗教
出刊日期 201512




The main purpose of this paper is to provide an approach to teaching numbers in English class, so as to arouse the interest of students for learning English. Numbers are considered an appropriate topic, rich in depth and broad in usage. The use of numbers is more than a convenient measure of the physical world. In many traditions they are linked with cosmic principles that give order and structure to the universe. Human beings have been fascinated by the numerals which have been used as symbols to represent certain ideas within the folklore of every culture. The paper aims to (1) explain the general meanings of numbers, trace their origins, and analyze their superstitious or mythical associations, and (2) proposes an approach to teaching Chinese students how to understand the meanings of numbers and make further use of them.
